Saucisson à l'ail pur bœuf , cuit et fumé au bois de hêtre,
environ 250 g. Sans additif.
"Jawa" beef garlic saucisson, cooked and smoked with beech wood ,
about 250 g. Without food additives.
Sosis sapi jawa dengan bawang putih , sudah dimasak dan diasapi dengan kayu beech,
sekitar 250 g. Tanpa aditif makanan.
Saucisson "Jawa" fumé - Smoked"Jawa" beef saucisson - Saucisson sapi Jawa diasap
Rp210.000,00 Regular Price
Rp175.000,00Sale Price
Conservation - Storage - Penyimpanan
Emballé sous vide. A conserver au frais (4°C).
Vacuum packed. Store in a cool place (4 ° C).
Kemasan vacuum. Simpan di tempat yang dingin (4 ° C).
Without any food additives
Sans additif
Without food additives
Tanpa aditif makanan.