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250g  Rillettes de poulet rôti - Roast Chicken rillettes

Rillettes de poulet rôti, cuites dans la graisse de canard. Sans additif.

Roast chicken rillettes cooked in duck fat. Without food additives.

Rillettes daging Ayam panggang, dimasak dengan minyak bebek. Tanpa aditif makanan.

250g Rillettes de poulet rôti - Roast Chicken rillettes

  • Conservation - Storage - Penyimpanan

    A conserver au frais (4°C).

    Store in a cool place (4 ° C).

    Simpan di tempat yang sejuk (4 ° C).

  • Informations

    Pratiques et faciles à tartiner, les Rillettes de poulet rôti, se consomment souvent en sandwich. Elles sont vendues en bocaux plastiques avec une fine couche de graisse de canard en surface, pour assurer sa bonne conservation.

    Practical and easy to spread, Chicken Rillettes are often eaten in sandwiches. They are sold in plastic jars with a thin layer of duck fat on the surface, to ensure their good conservation.

  • Origine and Description

    Rillettes is a preservation method similar to confit where meat is seasoned then slow cooked submerged in duck fat and cooked at an extremely slow rate for 10 hours. After the meat, is shredded and packed into containers covered in duck fat.

    The term “Rillettes” refer to the final product and its appearance when spread on bread sliced.

    The origin of the French word “Rillettes” derives from the Old French “Rille”, meaning a slice of Pork, Goose, Duck or Chicken which is first attested from the XVe century.

  • Without any food additives

    Sans additif

    Without food additives

    Tanpa aditif makanan.

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